Acceptance and Allowance in All and Everything regardless of how it's presented.
Art In Me
JoinedPosts by Art In Me
What Do You Stand For?
by Corvin inhonestly now, either you stand for something, or get knocked down for nothing.
brother, it seems absurd to be hammering pith like a poet with a loss for words.
trying to describe and angels face .
skipping Memorial & joining forum instead
by Art In Me inthis is my official liberation-opting to miss a memorial and joining the community here on this day.
i've been to the memorial maybe twice in 12 years but was "this close" to checking it out again for curiousness sake to see if i would feel differently as so much time has passed and beacuse i've changed so much.
anyone here ever wonder if you just imagined the horrorness of being a jw?
Art In Me
Cyber-sista, That was the most perfect articulation of this experience I have ever heard!
I am making an honest effort to see these 32 yrs of this lifetime as knowing what my extremes are in order to find my balance. So, I have had to experience a Nazi-like existence and then experience breaking all but a couple of the Ten Commanadments (literally) and then some in order to know who and what I really am. It's been a wild ride but so worth it.
I've never been more fulfilled or happy. I was reflecting lately that out of 20 yrs as a dub I only felt true love and connectedness to Jah for a two month period around the time I was baptised. I feel the connectedness to Source/God/All-That-Is/Light (or whatever) about 75% of the time
Would you wear a crucifx?
by orangefatcat inmy wonderful husband knows that i have been a religious person most of my life and while he despises jehovah's witnesses with a passion, he knows that i still believe in god and christ.
he being a greek orthodox and a wonderful human being he bought me a beautiful crucifix of jesus on a cross.
it is black stone and silver and says on the back of the cross, alpha and omega.
Art In Me
I feel uncomfortable about wearing a cross, I guess my jury is still out about the "tree" vs "cross" and just for myself, it's displaying someone's death instument as mentioned above.
I do wear a silver fish bangle bracelet that I absolutely LOVE. It reminds me of how Jesus is a Master and reminds me to be a better person every day by focusing on the love aspect of his teachings and by his example.
Same sentiment I guess, just different expression of such.
xJWs: Anyone ever read this poem? Any thoughts? Any personal applications?
by True North inanyone ever read this poem:
[warning to those who may be offended: the poem contains the "f" word (although it's not used in a sexual sense).
] does anyone have any thoughts on it or any personal applications, particularly if you were raised as a jw?
Art In Me
Being born into JW and not realizing I ever had a choice of my own to leave until an adult, I have struggled with how strict my upbringing was related to the church or the parents or to what extent both.
I have concluded that my parents did the best they could given their model of the world at that time. They honestly were trying to rear us up in the Lord and by dub standards it was pretty tough. Of course they didn't f**k me up on purpose. It just is.
Am I bitter? to some extent, yes
Am I responsible for my reactions? yes, things only have power over me to the extent I let them.
Will I be in victim mode much longer? send happy thoughts my way that I won't.
I am definitely leery of having children because I know the capacity for damage. When I am in a place emotionally and spiritually that is patient unconditional love, then I'll consider having a wee one. I do think, and it's just an opinion, that people have children way too casually. It's only THE most impotant thing a human can do.....
THE LATEST NEWS: Weapons Of Mass Destruction
by dh inclassic!!
try this very soon, before someone forces google to fix its site: .
2) type in weapons of mass destruction (don't hit return) .
Art In Me
Thanks for sharing
TV channel defends plan to show an abortion in full
by ignored_one in
channel 4 defends plan to screen an abortion .
by hugh davies .
Art In Me
Just an interesrting tidbit...
Are You For 86
For those of us who have worked in the restaurant industry understand that "86'd" means you are out of something, it's gone, out of stock, etc so one would say to another co-worker "we are 86 on the xxx Shiraz"
Little bit of subliminal perhaps
Movies and TV Shows You Didn't Watch Because You Were A JW
by minimus inthis week i mentioned how i never saw the movie "ghost" because it was considered "demonistic".
i also volunteered that that i could not watch "bewitched", although "i dream of jeannie" was a conscience matter......any thing you didn't watch because you were a witness?
Art In Me
I really exposing myself as a product of formative yrs in the 80's
Rarely saw any "R" movies (*gasp*dum dum dummmmm) for obvious reasons
Remember the big deal about "Dirty Dancing"? I think I'm recalling even a WT or Awake mentioning comnemdation on it
"Dallas" "Falcon Crest" and such forbidden soap opera type fornicating adulterating heathens
Also remember when "I want your sex" was the scandal? We had to turn the radio off and watch the adults squirm with shock that something so wicked was on the airwaves.
I was told to dismiss the ending to "Somewhere in Time' because it showed that just anyone could go to heaven.
I did sneak into "Nightmare on Elm St" in the theatre when 15 but felt so unbelievably guilty I ruined the whole experience with "Will I get caught? Jah ALWAYS brings wrongdoing out in the open!!!"
skipping Memorial & joining forum instead
by Art In Me inthis is my official liberation-opting to miss a memorial and joining the community here on this day.
i've been to the memorial maybe twice in 12 years but was "this close" to checking it out again for curiousness sake to see if i would feel differently as so much time has passed and beacuse i've changed so much.
anyone here ever wonder if you just imagined the horrorness of being a jw?
Art In Me
Thanks, guys!
I can't begin to tell you how incredibly wonderful your support has been!!!!! I am so touched that so many have taken the time to welcome me and let me know I'm included! Hmmm....."belonging", what a foreign concept considering the feelings of separateness for so long as a dub.
Even though I left the Org around 10 yrs ago (then just ambling along), I only discovered the beauty of who I am (the Art In Me ) in the recent three yrs, my... what a process. Both fun and painful but neccessary. The trigger for such growth was a statement someone made to me. It was "Is it possible, that God is not "out there" but is you, around you, and of you?" Had to ponder that one for a few weeks-then hit me like a ton of bricks! Opened a whole new fantastic world with great perceptions, differneces and interpertations and the coolest thing is that it was all okay and perfect. I am a Capricorn so naturally a thinker and somewhat on the serious side and to have that thinking-on-my- own ability squashed and repressed all my life makes me bitter now. I feel robbed of just being a damn child, too. My sister and I were little adults from birth. I remember when we were like 6 and 8, we were running around our yard chasing each other and of course the exhilarating fear of having someone chasing you lends onesself to screaming bloody murder. Well, we got the lecture from the parents about how rude and inconsiderate we were to the neighbors by being loud and showing such reproach on Jah's name and setting a bad example. When my sister got to play with one of our friends and I wasn't invited I was sore and was then made to read how "jealousy is rottenous to the bones" (Pslams or Proverbs?????) in the bible until I could control myself. One more to share and (thanks for your patience) when little, I ate all of the chocolate chips from the special jar that held them and when discovered I was told how I was a THIEF and that Jehovah punishes thieves and I had disappointed, blah, blah, blah,. I remember crawling into the very back of my deep closet and sat there in the dark for forever, feeling shame as I 've never felt so intensely since. I consider the whole thing a mindf**k. These are things I'm pissed about now for the mere fact of not just being able to be a kid. I understand it's a waste of time and energy to dwell on the past, but I think I'm going to just get really pissed off once and for all and get over it. Maybe shed some tears for a childhood lost.
The whole Silentlamb thing is an interesting one, too. I'm not sure if I should post that one here or on a more Silentlamb area. Any advisement?
Love you-S
Thanks for the poem
skipping Memorial & joining forum instead
by Art In Me inthis is my official liberation-opting to miss a memorial and joining the community here on this day.
i've been to the memorial maybe twice in 12 years but was "this close" to checking it out again for curiousness sake to see if i would feel differently as so much time has passed and beacuse i've changed so much.
anyone here ever wonder if you just imagined the horrorness of being a jw?
Art In Me
Thanks Lady Lee for the navigation! Most helpful...
Thanks for welcoming me here everyone!
skipping Memorial & joining forum instead
by Art In Me inthis is my official liberation-opting to miss a memorial and joining the community here on this day.
i've been to the memorial maybe twice in 12 years but was "this close" to checking it out again for curiousness sake to see if i would feel differently as so much time has passed and beacuse i've changed so much.
anyone here ever wonder if you just imagined the horrorness of being a jw?
Art In Me
Hi Everyone, I am an ex-jw
This is my official liberation-opting to miss a Memorial and joining the community here on this day. I've been to the Memorial maybe twice in 12 years but was "this close" to checking it out again for curiousness sake to see if I would feel differently as so much time has passed and beacuse I've changed so much. Anyone here ever wonder if you just imagined the horrorness of being a JW? Guess I was going for a reality check ( also to honor Jesus, of course, but I will find a more personal way for expression) In the end, I came across this site around 5 pm and read a little and it all came back like a bad dream.
Some background: BORN into JW, left when 20 or 21 (?), am a partial Silentlamb, floated around the last 10 yrs and now have finally come into my own and am comfortable in my own skin for the most part. I grieve for the years lost though but I intellectually understand I have had the experiences to be the person I am today. How refreshing to live in a world that doesn't have "Satan" lurking around my every corner and that I am indeed worth the breath I draw after all. It's been an arduous adventure to break free as my parents took witnessing VERY seriously and in my opinion went overboard thus causing extreme engrainment of the "RULES". Oh, also was an Elder's daughter. Still have some residual issues though and hope to obliberate them with you alls help and love. I'm truly going to enjoy reading over a lot of these posts-(a little daunting as there's so many) but look forward to getting to know everyone.